The Castle of Agliè for GEP 2024, organised with other realities committed to the valorisation of the connection networks of the territory, proposes an edition dedicated to concerts.
In the evocative Sala dei Valletti, on Saturday 28 September, a double date, at 18.00 and 21.00, with piano concerts, organised in collaboration with the Associazione Orium. On the same day, an extraordinary evening opening from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm, with a 1 euro ticket, to visit the sumptuous interiors of the Appartamento di Rappresentanza, an expression of the residence’s history between the 17th and 20th centuries, from Filippo d’Agliè to the Dukes of Savoy-Genoa.
On Sunday 29 September, at 11 a.m., the Associazione Musicaviva will perform I canti della montagna. I Polifonici delle Alpi, while at 4 p.m. and 5 p.m., the Accademia di Sant’Uberto will present a perspective of its musical tradition in the gardens with two concerts performed with hunting horns, a UNESCO Intangible Heritage of Humanity since 2020.

All concerts are free admission.
Contact info
Piazza del Castello, 2, 10011, Agliè (TO)

44.9761449, 7.787097

  • Free
    i partecipanti a Cammina Cambiano devono però essere in possesso dell’assicurazione annuale (costo 10 euro), gestita dall’ASD Nordic Walking Andrate

From 28/09/2024 to 29/09/2024

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