10 dairy and artisan ice-cream producers in and around Torino

It may be the heat, it may be the fact that ours is one of the cities where the first ice cream makers were born, but we "Torinesi" just can't give up ice cream! Sometimes, however, rather than being surprised by innovative flavours and daring combinations, we prefer a simple (but winning) formula: whole milk, cream and sugar. 

And if the milk is home-produced, so much the better! That's why we have selected 10 dairy and artisanal ice-cream producers in and around Torino where you can enjoy a good ice-cream, whether strolling under the arcades or in the midst of nature.

La Porporata - Via Canonico Maffei 57, San Maurizio Canavese (TO)


San Pè - Cascina San Pietro 29, Poirino (TO)


La Fattoria del Gelato - Via Grange 44, Pianezza (TO)


L’Arte del Latte - Strada Maddaleno 6, Grange di Nole (TO)


Cascina Roseleto - Villastellone (TO)


Gelateria D’Antan Via Nicola Fabrizi 37, Torino


Gelateria Ciacci Via delle Rosine 8, Torino


Gelateria La Tosca - Via Cibrario 50, Torino


Gelateria Popolare Via Mameli 6, Torino


Gelateria Silvano Via Nizza 142, Torino


Be tempted by the reel published on Instragram in collaboration with @turismotorino and @lestradeditorino, and then start tasting! Click here 

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