A new format dedicated to the lesser-known and unvisited areas of the Royal Castle of Moncalieri: every fourth Sunday of the month, the Royal Apartments, now under the protection of the Carabinieri of the ’Piedmont’ Regiment, are made accessible.

The visit concludes with a chocolate (1st Sunday) and vermouth (4th Sunday) discovery experience in the company of the Le vie del tempo reenactors and thanks to the collaboration with Pfatisch and Choco Story Torino, which will offer two variants of fine Piedmontese pralines, and with Chazalettes, which will offer tastings of two historical recipes created to pay homage to Queen Margherita who, in 1907, granted the brand the royal coat of arms.

Reservation required by e-mail by 6 p.m. on the Friday prior to the visit; access without reservation only if places are still available within the permitted limits (max. 20 people per group).
Contact info
Piazza Baden Baden, 4, 10024, Moncalieri (TO)

45.0018391, 7.6865356

  • € 5,00
    Full price
  • Free
    aged 0-6

From 26/05/2024 to 22/12/2024

  • Sun
    10:30 - 16:30
Next dates: 23/6, 7 and 28/7, 4 and 25/8, 1 and 22/09, 6 and 27/10, 3 and 24/11, 22/12. One-hour visits at 10:30, 12, 14:30, 16:30
: First week, Fourth week
It is located in