The Pinerolo Hydrangea District is a network made up of four marvellous gardens and their hydrangea collections: the Villa Prever Park in the centre of Pinerolo, the Villa Le Ortensie di Carlotta Garden on the Pinerolo hill next to the Basilica of San Maurizio, the Torrione Historical Park and the Miradolo Castle Park, and also the Villa Widemann Municipal Park in San Germano Chisone.

We invite you to visit these places that will remain in your hearts, expanses of colour, varieties, characteristic corners in beautiful parks and villas... the best time to visit the hydrangeas is May - June - July, but the autumn period also reserves pleasant surprises... when some hydrangeas are dressed in new autumn colours.
Contact info
Piazza Vittorio Veneto, 1, 10064, Pinerolo (TO)

44.8868332, 7.3319142

  • vedere singole date

From 24/06/2024 to 03/07/2024

Lunedì 24 giugno, domenica 30 giugno e mercoledì 3 luglio. Visita guidata euro 8.00, prenotazione obbligatoria al n. 0121323358

From 12/07/2024 to 12/07/2024

  • Fri
    18:00 - 19:30
Visita guidata con la dottoressa Eva Boasso Ormezzano. info su www.fondazionecosso.it