The exhibition includes a nucleus of works by the artist Marko Tadic´ dedicated to the interaction with the thought of Vjenceslav Richter, one of the founding members of EXAT 51, an avant-garde group of artists, architects, designers and theorists active in Zagreb between 1950 and 1956 that aimed to promote and achieve a synthesis and intersection of all art forms.

In the exhibition, Tadic imagines and designs his utopian city by contaminating Richter’s projects with a science-fiction imagery and implanting an ecological reflection on these complex systems. Through drawings, collages and animations, he hypothesises an extension that includes new questions concerning the relationship between man, environment and technology and the use of renewable resources.
Contact info
Via Giordano Bruno, 31, Torino (TO)

45.0432903, 7.664505

  • € 3,00
    Reduced price
  • € 4,00
    Full price
  • Free
    possessori dell’Abbonamento Musei Piemonte Valle d’Aosta e Torino+Piemonte Card

From 18/05/2024 to 20/10/2024

  • Fri
    15:00 - 18:00
  • Sat
    12:00 - 19:00
  • Sun
    12:00 - 19:00
Cards and tourist objects
It is located in
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