At the Ecomuseum l’Impronta del Ghiacciaio di Masino, as part of the AMI Museum Network project, the photographic exhibition ’Il mondo lunare. Landscapes and Biodiversity in the Monti Pelati Nature Reserve" with images by Simone Gaetano and Roberto Brogliatti.

Located on the ground floor of the museum, the exhibition features a series of images by photographers Simone Gaetano and Roberto Brogliatti, united in the project Escursioni Fotografiche (Photographic Excursions), portraying the landscapes, rare insects, and typical avifauna of the nature reserve and testifying to the extraordinary wealth of biodiversity that this place possesses, despite its almost ’lunar’ appearance. In fact, the Pelati Mountains are a narrow strip of barren, arid hills, in contrast to the green hills that surround them, where the particular chemical characteristics of the soil are unsuitable for lush tree vegetation. In appearance, an insignificant and marginal place but, in reality, an area that encloses and preserves an environmental heritage of very high value.
Contact info
ECOMUSEO L'IMPRONTA DEL GHIACCIAIO - Piazza Verdi - Fraz. Masino, Caravino (TO)

45.3875884, 7.991694

From 14/07/2024 to 20/10/2024

  • Sun
    10:00 - 12:00, 15:00 - 18:00