Km 4,3 / Elevation change - 5
At this point, the trail leads to Ronsecco whose original settlement was built near the Shrine of Viri Veri but was abandoned in the 12th century and rebuilt on its present site in around 1660 under the episcopate of the bishop of Vercelli Uguccione. The town, whose name refers to Roncho sicho or Ronchum sicum which means an arid wasteland, is now in the midst of a paddy field landscape of irrigation ditches, springs and farms. The Church of San Lorenzo, built in the 15th century, underwent a major restoration in 1857. The name of the already mentioned Shrine of Viri Veri, built in the late 16th century, presumably comes from villa vetus: the place is linked to the liberating of the country from the cholera epidemic of 1867 and an object of great veneration is the statue of the Assumption. The castle for the Vercelli Guelphs of the Bondonni family can be dated to the late 14th century and is currently being restored.
, 13039 Trino (VC)

45.252232071965, 8.2432651519775