Sacra di San Michele - magical tour

Sunday, 09 a.m.

A "magical" excursion to discover the medieval Abbey that inspired Umberto Eco in the famous novel The Name of the Rose.

A magical itinerary between History and Esotericism that starts from the Staircase of the Dead up to the Gate of the Zodiac, culminating with the Tower of the Bell’Alda.

A symbolic and evocative visit to the Sacra di San Michele, spiritually connected to Mont Saint Michel and St. Michael in Apulia, perched on a rocky outcrop like a true "eagle’s nest."

From here, the gaze sweeps over the entire ancient Via Francigena in a place charged with beauty and mysticism, where the gates of time seem to shatter in an atmosphere from "The Name of the Rose"... Because in the Middle Ages nothing is as it appears...

Fee per person € 45 full price € 15 reduced under 12 € 35 reduced Abbonamento Musei / Torino+Piemonte

Skip-the-line admission ticket, guided tour and private bus shuttle service - round trip from downtown Turin to Sacra di San Michele.
Also available in English (on request), in which case the tour will be held in dual language (Italian and English).

If you are only interested in the shuttle service, and then visit the Sacra di San Michele on your own, book your round trip on the Direct Shuttle Bus Turin center / Sacra di San Michele.

Info & Reservations
From 24/03/2024 to 31/12/2024