A unique event, recognised as an Italian event of international importance, a ‘dream’ that manifests itself every year, bringing history and myth, tradition and spectacle, emotions and great ideals to the streets and squares of the city.


The spirit of the Historic Carnival of Ivrea stems from ancient rituals and lives in the memory of a legendary medieval episode of liberation from tyranny: the ‘baron’ who starved the city was killed by a miller's daughter, who did not want to submit to the jus primæ noctis and ignited the popular uprising. The heroine of the festivity is therefore the ‘ Mugnaia “ next to the figure of the Generale, who since the early 19th century has been in charge of ensuring the smooth running of the event together with his Stato Maggiore Napoleonico, composed of gallant Officers on horseback and graceful ”Vivandiere’.


The highlights of the Historic Carnival of Ivrea in 2025 are:

16 February - Third Last Sunday of Carnival

The ‘Fagiolate’, the ‘Prise du Drapeau’ and the ‘Raising of the Abbà’. All day long, in piazza Ottinetti the Orange Village, with The Flavours of Carnival, with food stands until 5 pm.


23 February - Penultimate Sunday of Carnival

The Fagiolate, the Parade of the Casting Carts and the Raising of the Abbà. On this day, you will be able to enjoy a unique moment, the parade and subsequent presentation of the Jetty Carts. The chariots and horses will show themselves in all their splendour, before descending into the spectacular Battle of the Oranges.


27 February - Maundy Thursday

The Calzata del Berretto Frigio (kicking of the Phrygian cap), the ascent of the Generale on horseback and the parade of the Historical Procession, accompanied by the ever-present Pifferi e Tamburi (Pipes and Drums). Plus: children's parties in the square and grand finale from 9 p.m. with bands and parades around town.


The days of the Historic Carnival


From 1 to 4 March, the climax of the event will be celebrated with a full calendar every day. From the presentation of the Vezzosa Mugnaia on Saturday evening, with the Orange Parade and Historical Procession, followed by the always popular fireworks display, to the three-day Battle of the Oranges. And more: parade of the Historical Procession and guest groups, fagiolata del Castellazzo, Zappate, Scarli and much more...



If you intend to take part in Carnival Sunday on 2 March, admission to the city is subject to payment, excluding children under 12 years of age, residents of the City of Ivrea, the disabled, Aranceri with a regular membership patch for the current year and characters in the historical procession.

Tickets can be purchased online on the Fondazione Storico Carnevale di Ivreawebsite and at the Tourist Offices in the centre of Torino (Piazza Castello and PIU information point in Piazza Palazzo di Città) and in Ivrea (Piazza Ottinetti).

PRICE: € 15.00 - free of charge for children under 12 years of age, residents of the City of Ivrea, the disabled, Aranceri with a regular registration patch for the current year and characters in the historical procession.

The events

Ivrea Carnevale Loc
Culture & Tradition
Historic Carnival of Ivrea 2025
Ivrea Battaglia Delle Arance
Culture & Tradition
Welcome Tour® Ivrea la bella - Speciale Carnevale
Ivrea Abba(1)
Culture & Tradition
Penultimate Sunday before the Historic Carnival of Ivrea 2025
Ivrea Alzata Abba Foto Di Archivio
Culture & Tradition
Third Last Sunday Before the Historic Carnival of Ivrea 2025
Carnevale   Generale
Culture & Tradition
Opening Historic Carnival of Ivrea

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