Unione Industriali Torino is a voluntary association of companies at territorial level, a member of Confindustria, for the representation, protection, promotion and development of companies and their interests. Founded in 1906 under the name of Lega Industriale, it offers, in addition to its original trade union vocation, a wide range of services as well as related initiatives and bodies to provide support and guarantee competitiveness to companies in all fields of interest: education, training, safety, sustainability, environment, quality, tax assistance, etc. The fundamental objective of Unione Industriali Torino is to protect the interests of enterprises and to establish an innovative, internationalised, sustainable entrepreneurial system capable of promoting the economic, social, civil and cultural growth of its territorial area and of the country. It is with this in mind that Unione Industriali Torino, throughout the year 2024, has been the hub of a rich schedule of initiatives and events linked to TORINO CAPITAL OF BUSINESS CULTURE (www.torinospazioalfuturo.it ), many of which are of national interest, included in an articulated calendar, with the aim of reaching out to the entire citizenry. Many of these events were held at the CENTRO CONGRESSI UNIONE INDUSTRIALI TORINO (www.centrocongressiunioneindustriale.it ), the location inside the Unione Industriali Torino that hosts over 400 events a year of all types: conventions, congresses, conferences, shows, etc., with a complete and innovative management model.
Year of establishment: 1906