1. Scope of the service
a. These General Terms and Conditions of the Contract of Sale of Turismo Torino e Provincia (hereinafter, TTP), shall govern the following transactions:
(i) The on-line sale of the Torino+Piemonte Card and Royal Pass
(ii) The booking of admission tickets to an event and/or services, usable on certain dates and times, made available by Turismo Torino e Provincia or any third-party organisers;
(iii) The purchase of specific services (for example: guided tours, audioguides, etc.);
The transactions included in paragraphs (i), (ii) and (iii) above are jointly and severally defined below as the "Transaction".
b. The on-line publication of these General Terms and Conditions of Contract constitutes information on a durable medium to be provided to the user prior to the conclusion of a contract. The Transaction’s confirmation containing the "Order Code" given to the Transaction, the summary of booked services and goods purchased, the admission tickets assigned, the indication of the price paid and the method of use (hereinafter, the "Transaction Summary"), is valid as a confirmation of the contract concluded on a durable medium, pursuant to Art. 51, paragraph 7 of Legislative Decree No. 206/2005.
2. The Vendor and Organiser's identification data
a. TTP provides technological solutions to users, including Internet sites for the on-line purchase and/or booking of tourist cards and/or admission tickets to venues, services and products made available by the Organiser, as indicated from time to time;
b. Pursuant to Art. 49 of Legislative Decree No. 206/2005, TTP's identification data are as follows: Turismo Torino e Provincia s.c.r.l., Via Maria Vittoria 19 10123 Torino, fax (+39) 011.883426. The purchaser can address any complaints to [email protected];
c. Each event's Organiser is shown on the product page.
3. Duration of the purchase and booking procedure for goods and services
a. The user has a limited period of time available to conclude the purchase and/or booking of admission tickets and/or the goods and services identified and to proceed to payment (hereinafter, the "Procedure"). The Procedure has a maximum duration of 30 minutes starting from the time when the process of placing the first product/services in the cart commences, except as may otherwise be specified in the summary pages which can be viewed on-line.
b. If the user does not make or successfully conclude the payment within the maximum time available to complete the Transaction pursuant to the preceding paragraph a), all the products and/or services selected by the user shall once again become available on the sales and bookings system upon the expiry of the available time.
c. Should a different person conclude the payment for the same product/service while the user is carrying out the Procedure and this is sold out, the user shall no longer be able to conclude this purchase and/or booking and, as such, no objections or claims can be brought against TTP.
4. Payment confirmation
a. If the payment is successful, the Transaction Summary is displayed on-line with the corresponding Order Code which identifies the successful Transaction. This appears on the device used by the user. An email message, automatically generated by TTP and containing the Order Code, is also sent. Admission tickets in electronic format, or payment confirmation for the product/service or the successful booking, are included in the email as an attachment. The message will be sent to the email address specified by the user during the Procedure.
b. TTP shall not be held liable if the message or email with the Summary Transactions fails to be delivered as a result of the entry of incorrect or invalid data by the user or, in any case, by causes that are not attributable to TTP.
c. The user can always view and print a Transaction Summary concluded in his/her Personal Area on the www.turismotorino.org portal.
d. Admission tickets purchased and/or booked through the Service are valid:
- in the case of a tourist card, if inactivated and unused within one year of purchase (e.g. purchased and not activated on 15/12/2023 is valid until 15/12/2024)
- In the case of activities: admission tickets that are unused by the date of the end of the event or series of events, or by the expiry date shown in the booking, are not refundable or replaceable.
The exhibited calendar and fees may change according to each Organiser's activity and shall be suitably and promptly notified. Such changes do not fall within TTP's sphere of influence and may in no way be imputed to TTP by the user. Should the route and/or the tour programme originally planned by the Organiser undergo limitations and/or the tour service be temporarily suspended or the event cancelled due to technical and operating requirements attributable to the Organiser, the user cannot in any case request compensation from TTP for purchased tickets.
5. Price of admission tickets and service fees
a. The price of products corresponds to that shown on the admission ticket and/or on the Transaction Summary
b. The price of admission tickets and fees for the provision of the Service are inclusive of VAT, where applicable.
6. Changing admission tickets
- It is not possible to request changes to a purchase or booking made through this Service.
- Any requests for changes shall only be agreed to depending on the availability of products and must be sent by the customer to TTP to the email address: [email protected].
7. Purchase by minors
a. TTP's purchasing section is to be used by users who are over 18 years of age. During the Transaction, users are asked to attest to their meeting this requirement by entering the date of birth.
8. Method of payment and collection agent
Payments for on-line transactions can be made by credit card, using the payment systems enabled for the Service.
9. Secure Transactions
a. To ensure maximum security, on-line transactions are made via servers which use the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protection system or another security system specified on the website. TTP, the Organiser and its representatives do not in any way record or track codes used by the user to make the required payment.
10. Method of delivery and execution
If the purchase is made on-line, this can be considered as finalised on the receipt of an email confirmation. This confirmation will contain data relating to the service/product requested and its booking code or, in the case of Cards, the valid QR code for admission to museums.
11. Access to the Service
a. In order to access the Service the user is required to:
(i) Accept these general terms and conditions of use of the Service in their entirety
(ii) Complete the on-line request form with the user’s personal and contact details. By accepting these general terms and conditions of use of the Service, the user warrants that his/her registration data are valid, true, accurate and correct and that they do not breach the rights of third parties.
b. Failure to complete all of the required fields in the on-line form shall make it impossible to use the Service or to purchase the product.
12. Suspension of the service
TTP reserves the right to suspend, discontinue and change the sales and on-line booking service for technical and/or organisational reasons.
13. Exclusion of the right of withdrawal and cancellation of the purchase made
a. This contract concerns the supply of products and services relating to leisure activities, with the provision of a specific date or rendering period. Therefore, pursuant to Art. 59, paragraph 1(n) of Legislative Decree 206/2005, the application of the provisions on the right of withdrawal set out in Articles 52 to 58 of this decree is excluded once the contract is concluded.
14. Jurisdiction and applicable laws
a. Any dispute concerning the validity, interpretation, execution and/or termination of legally relevant acts linked to the use of the Service shall be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Torino, excluding any alternative competing jurisdiction.
15. Specific approval of certain contractual clauses
Pursuant to and in accordance with Arts. 1341 and 1342 of the Civil Code, the following clauses are expressly accepted:
3. Duration of the purchase or booking procedure; 4.b Exclusion of liability for the non-delivery of the purchase-booking confirmation; 11. Cancellation or postponement of an event; 12. Suspension of service; 13.a Exclusive jurisdiction for non-consumer users.
16. Provisions concerning privacy and personal data protection
- The collection and processing of data are carried out for the management and implementation of purchase orders and, in particular, for the implementation of obligations arising from these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.
- The Privacy Policy can be found at www.turismotorino.org/privacy.