At this point, the Via Francigena continues in the direction of Collegno, reaching the outskirts of Turin. A very scenic variation starts from Bertassi between Sant'Ambrogio di Torino and Avigliana, where the marked route goes through the Palude dei Mareschi, a boggy area leading up to Lago Grande and protected by the Parco Naturale dei Laghi di Avigliana. A dirt road at a resting area turns in the direction of the hill, along the path for Mount Capretto: at a crossroads with a shrine, you leave this path, continuing along the bottom of the hill on which there is the "arduinico" Castle and, with a short climb, you reach Piazza Conte Rosso in Avigliana.

A "slip road" connecting between the various Via Francigena routes in the Susa Valley starts from the Precettoria di Sant'Antonio di Ranverso, goes along the Strada Antica di Alpignano and over the SS25: the dirt road heads into an area of woods and farmed land and then goes alongside the Dora Riparia in the last part until reaching Ponte Vecchio of Alpignano.

, 10098 Rivoli (TO)

45.0607417, 7.5287542999999