The castle dates back to the Middle Ages and has undergone a transformation into a pleasant dwelling surrounded by English gardens over the course of the centuries.
It is still the habitual residence of the Counts of Pralormo and offers two itineraries: the first allows discovering daily life in this Savoy home and includes cellars, pantries, vast kitchens followed by courtly salons, the Minister’s study, the music room.
The second is dedicated to a late 19th century plastic model on which period trains run through tunnels dug in the walls, landscapes, stops and stations.
The visit includes a rich collection of engines, trains, freight wagons and passengers from the 1896/1939 period.

For more detailed info:


44.8619322, 7.9001183

  • € 8,00
    Full price
    Castle or Park entrance
  • Free
    carers of the disabled, kids under 13
  • € 12,00
    Full price
    Trenino del Conte
  • € 7,00
    Reduced price
    Castle only
  • € 16,00
    Full price
    Castle + Park
  • € 6,00
    Reduced price
    park only
  • € 8,00
    Reduced price
    trenino del Conte
    aged 6-12

From 05/05/2024 to 27/10/2024

  • Mon
    Open on reservation
  • Tue
    Open on reservation
  • Wed
    Open on reservation
  • Thu
    Open on reservation
  • Fri
    Open on reservation
  • Sat
    Open on reservation
  • Sun
    10:00 - 19:00
closed on Augoust
Ticket office closures
30 min prima / before
  • Bookshop
  • Car parks
  • Pets Allowed
    al guinzaglio nel parco; nel trasportino e di piccola taglia all'interno del castello;
  • Packed lunch (€ 10,00)
    comprensiva dell'attività e parco a disposizione per giochi e attività libere / per famiglie
  • Educational workshop
  • Bar
    Caffetteria ristorante solo durante MESSER TULIPANO
Cards and tourist objects
€ 6,00
Reduced price
visit to the park
€ 7,00
Reduced price
visite to the Castle
€ 10,00
Reduced price
Il Trenino del Conte