Fabio Gariano - Su due Ruote

Bicycle Tour Guides

Ciao! My name is Fabio and I am passionate about sports in the midst of nature, from trekking to snowboard alpinism and cycling. I am a CAI instructor of snowboard alpinism and a cycle touring guide.
On two wheels I carry out accompanying activities with all types of bicycles, on any terrain and with any physical condition.
From the most hardened athlete to the family who wants to enjoy a healthy ride while having fun in complete safety. From the rice fields to the Langhe hills, from our beautiful Alps to the lakes, from the natural parks to the riches of the city of Turin.
On two wheels you can always plan a tour and a route suitable for every need that can combine sport, discovery of the territory and art without forgetting the food and wine excellences of our territory.
Living at the foot of the mountains and being a father of two little girls, I love wandering on two wheels along the hilly and mountain paths taking the children to have new experiences, alternating the rides with relaxing breaks in playgrounds or farm ice cream shops.

Geographical areas: Torino Metropoli, Le colline del Po, Pinerolo e Valli Valdesi, Alpi dell'Alta Val Susa, Fuori Provincia di Torino, Valli e Terre di Susa

Languages spoken: Italian, English, French

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