Independent mountain territories, a community stamped by the feudal servitudes at the height of the Middle Ages. The so-called Republic of the Escartons was between the 14th and 18th centuries, an experience unique of its kind that left indelible signs in the upper Chisone and Susa valleys, in Casteldelfino, in Val Varaita of province of Cuneo, in Briançon and in the Queyras in France: signs that we can still see today in the old villages, in the traditions, in the richness of the local languages. To ensure that this area continues to maintain its extraordinary identity, the five parks in the territory (Val Troncea Natural Park, Natural Park of Gran Bosco di Salbertrand, Orsiera Rocciavrè Natural Park, Cuneo Area Po River, Parc Naturel Régional du Queyras) have given life to a project that proposes to encourage responsible and conscious tourism: an itinerary that is not only touristic and naturalistic but much, much more adventurous and exciting… to discover the history of a people.
Parco Alpi Cozie
Natural Park