Parco Naturale di Stupinigi - Aree Protette Area Metropolitana di Torino

Natural Park
The Stupinigi Hunting Lodge is only ten kilometres from Torino. The hunting residence and village commissioned by the Savoys is the nucleus around which the Park develops. A short distance from the Lodge, which is now closed and houses the Museum of Art and Furnishings, you find Castelvecchio, old medieval manor house in a good state of preservation.
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Viale Torino, - 10042, Nichelino


Stupinigi Mappa.pdf

It houses

Picnic area
Area Pic Nic Parco Rustico - Parco Naturale di Stupinigi
Visitor Centre
Centro Visitatori - Parco di Stupinigi
Uffici del Turismo
Tourist Offices

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