Cantina Terre dei Santi

Wine shop
Terre dei Santi was founded in 2004 with the union of Barbera of San Damiano d’Asti’s and Freisa di Castelnuovo Don Bosco’s wineries. The union of the two cooperatives gives rise to one of the most important winery reality of the central Piedmont. The 150 members cultivate more than 320 acres of vineyards, divised between 2500 vineyards on three differents areas, traditionnally devoted to the winegrowing :the Chierese, the Castelnovese and the San Damiano d’Asti hills.
Terredei Santi 1Terredei Santi 2Terredei Santi 3
Via San Giovanni, 6 - 14022, Castelnuovo Don Bosco


Languages spoken

French, English
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