
Erbaluce di Caluso DOCG, Erbaluce di Caluso Spumante DOCG, Erbaluce di Caluso Passito DOCG, Erbaluce di Caluso Passito Riserva DOCG
Carema, Carema Riserva
Canavese Rosso, Canavese Rosso Novello, Canavese Rosato, Canavese Rosato Spumante, Canavese Bianco, Canavese Bianco Spumante, Canavese Nebbiolo, Canavese Barbera

Erbaluce di Caluso

A historical white vine that in Canavese has found the best environmental conditions for its development. The bunch is medium-sized, cylindrical, somewhat elongated; the grapes are spheroidal with a thick skin and when ripe take on a particular amber colour when exposed to the sun.


In the extreme north of the Canavese area, the Nebbiolo grape variety gives rise to the DOC that takes its name from the municipality of the same name, in a landscape of unmistakable beauty characterised by pergola cultivation in wood and stone. It is a wine that lends itself well to ageing.


The production area includes about a hundred municipalities in the province of Torino and a dozen in those of Biella and Vercelli, the vines used are Nebbiolo, Barbera, Bonarda, Freisa and Neretto: it is a DOC resulting from blends of different grapes.

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