Archivio Nazionale Cinema D'Impresa

Azienda Made in Torino Tour The Excellent
A visit between rollers and films!

The National Archive of Corporate Cinema is a center of conservation, digitalization, enhancement and dissemination of the audiovisual heritage produced by Italian companies.
It preserves over 75,000 rolls of films made since the early years of the 20th century by various companies: industrial cinema has produced thousands of documentaries that today constitute a precious asset that helps reconstruct the economic and social history of Italy. In the laboratories, the digital restoration of important titles such as "The Officine della FIAT" filmed by Luca Comerio in 1911 takes place.

Be transported into the cinema of the previous century where you can rediscover the ancestors of the seventh art.
Archivio Cinem A2 RidArchivio Cinem A3 RidArchivio Cinem A4 Rid Archivio Nazionale Cinema D'impresa
Viale della Liberazione, 4 - 10015, Ivrea


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