
12 March 2025
Venaria Reale
Music & Shows

A Harlequin confronted with contemporaneity.

Directed by Marco Baliani, on stage Andrea Pennacchi wears the iconic mask of the Commedia dell'Arte to transport it into the reality of the modern world. An inevitable contrast from which hilarious situations arise, but also desecrating visions and unmissable clashes. Harlequin, with his clumsiness and cunning, traverses those territories of the human spirit that show their eternal contradictions in every age.


The performance includes audiodescription as part of the Teatro No Limits project, in collaboration with the Centro Diego Fabbri.

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Teatro Concordia, Corso Puccini, Venaria Reale


Full Ticket€ 22.00
Reduced€ 20.00

Abbonamento Musei, People with disabilities


12 March 2025
9:00 pm – 11:00 pm

This event is part of

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Teatro della Concordia. Stagione Teatrale 2024-2025. Venti D'Incanto
Venaria Reale
From 20/09/2024 to 10/05/2025


Teatro della Concordia
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