Questo lavoro sull'arancia

14 April 2025
Venaria Reale
Music & Shows

What happens if a dance performance, instead of being an object of language, is constructed as an experience? How many times, when attending a dance performance, do we wish we could intervene? How many times would boredom, often brought about by the loss of meaning, drive us to leave the hall, or at least to express our dissent? And how often in seeing movement, would we want to dance, to ‘feel’ what is being proposed?


The aesthetics wink at the cult film A Clockwork Orange. The orange, the milk, the white, the sadomasochistic relationship of the artist with the spectacular system and with the spectators, form the background to the unfolding of the experiments.

Questo Lavoro Sull Arancia
Teatro Concordia, Corso Puccini, Venaria Reale


Full Ticket€ 15.00
Reduced€ 13.00

People with disabilities, Abbonamento Musei


14 April 2025
9:00 pm – 11:00 pm

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Teatro della Concordia. Stagione Teatrale 2024-2025. Venti D'Incanto
Venaria Reale
From 20/09/2024 to 10/05/2025


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