The exhibition, which was awarded the Medal of the President of the Republic, is intended to commemorate, 140 years after the event, the first setting up of the Museo del Risorgimento: the Temple of the Risorgimento within the Italian General Exhibition of 1884 in the Valentino Park, a provisional setting up, a prelude to the later establishment, in 1901, of the Museum.
What remains today of the values of that time? What does the Risorgimento mean today? How can its stories and characters be interpreted in a current and contemporary key? With Rileggere il Risorgimento. Torino/Italy: 1884-2024 we want to reflect - through objects, relics, videos and narrations - on these questions and on the topicality of values strongly rooted in the past, but still relevant and founding for Italy today.
What remains today of the values of that time? What does the Risorgimento mean today? How can its stories and characters be interpreted in a current and contemporary key? With Rileggere il Risorgimento. Torino/Italy: 1884-2024 we want to reflect - through objects, relics, videos and narrations - on these questions and on the topicality of values strongly rooted in the past, but still relevant and founding for Italy today.
Museo Nazionale del Risorgimento Italiano, Piazza Carlo Alberto, 8 - 10123, Torino
Reduced€ 8.00
Over 65
Full Ticket€ 10.00
Accompagnatori di disabili; disabili;giornalisti con tesserino; minore 6 anni; possessori di Abbonamento Musei
Weekly openingFrom 21/10/2024 to 16/02/2025
10:00 am – 6:00 pm
10:00 am – 6:00 pm
10:00 am – 6:00 pm
10:00 am – 6:00 pm
10:00 am – 6:00 pm
10:00 am – 6:00 pm