
Teatro Colosseo. Ma non Dovevamo Vederci Più?

2 date
Music & Shows
After more than ten years, with an individually matured and developed artistic identity, the duo Katia & Valeria are back on stage to bring their most famous characters back to life, but also to tell everything that has happened since they left each other, the women they have become, what has divided them and how and why they found each other again.
Via Madama Cristina, 71, 10125 - 10125, Torino


22 November 2024
8:30 pm – 10:30 pm
23 November 2024
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

This event is part of

Teatro Colosseo
Teatro Colosseo Stagione 2024/2025
From 25/09/2024 to 15/04/2025
Uffici del Turismo
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