Originally a convent, the Castello San Giuseppe is now a residence with a romantic atmosphere, located in a quiet and panoramic position, surrounded by gardens rich in secular trees. The three floors that house the 24 rooms are divided by period and every room is distinguished by the decor, atmosphere and history, with antique furnishings and stylish bathrooms equipped with Jacuzzi. This 4-star hotel has private parking inside the walls, and an outdoor helicopter landing pad. Small pets are welcome. In the ancient frescoed chapel and in the adjacent spaces there is a meeting area while cocktail parties, shows and entertainment are held in the scenic garden at the entrance, under the fifteenth century tower. The restaurant "Il Cenobio" is located in an eighteenth-century dining room and proposes revisited and innovative Italian cuisine. The small reflexology and relaxation treatment center completes the services offered.
Single season
Single room
Single season
From €95.00 to €130.00
Double room for one person only
Single season
From €120.00 to €130.00
Double room
Single season
From €140.00 to €165.00
Triple room
Single season
From €170.00 to €195.00
Four beds
Single season
From €195.00 to €250.00
Single season
From €180.00 to €220.00
Single season