Comune di Rivalba

The name derives from the ancient Latin word RIPA ALBA, meaning ’clear shore’, probably due to the white colour of the limestone soil, and is first mentioned in an ecclesiastical document from 1260.
During the Middle Ages its fortunes were linked to those of the archbishopric of Turin, since Bishop Landolfo built a castle there at the beginning of the year 1000 to defend the area, of which the octagonal tower remains intact today. The privileges of the Turin church were reaffirmed in 1159 by Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa. Assigned in 1164 to Guglielmo di Monferrato, it was in fact always conditioned by its proximity to the powerful municipality of Chieri, which it also followed in its submission to the Savoys in 1347.

Testimony to its historical-architectural heritage are: the castle, an imposing construction of medieval origin; the parish church of San Pietro in Vincoli, dating back to the 12th or 13th century, which presents notable features of medieval architecture despite 19th-century restorations; and the chapel of Sant’Amanzio, entirely rebuilt in 1917, which makes it difficult to date the frescoes it contains (probably dating back to the 15th century).
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