The Pugnetto Caves are a set of natural cavities located near the small village of Pugnetto, in the municipality of Mezzenile. They are located in an area, that of the Lanzo Valleys, where karst phenomena are absent, and are therefore to be considered a true rarity.
They consist of a series of cavities not far from each other; only one of them, Borna Grande or Borna Maggiore, goes deep enough into the ground to be of speleological and excursionist interest. It is a sub-horizontal cave on several levels. Its main branch, known as the Fountain branch, runs for 765 metres and has only one major branch, the Madonna branch, so called because of the presence of a small statue of the Madonna at its end. Several large rooms open onto these two branches, the floor of which is dotted at various points with large blocks of stone that have fallen from the vault. Below the Fountain branch is the only still active part of the cave, in which a small stream flows. There is also an area near the entrance to the cave that deepens and in which the lowest point of the Borna Grande is located, reaching a depth of around 30 metres.

Known for a very long time, certainly for many centuries, the Pugnetto caves have always created a special, if not mysterious fascination for the locals, but not only. They have been the destination of countless explorations by outsiders staying in the Lanzo Valleys, all certainly in search of the unknown, in total obscurity, where reality collided with fantasy.

The Pugnetto Caves, due to their important scientific importance as the habitat of endemic or endangered animal species, have been included in the list of Sites of Community Interest (S.I.C.), for an environmental protection project of the European Community.
The entrance to the caves is closed by a gate.
The caves can only be visited with an escort and guided tours are organised every year by the CAI (Italian Alpine Club) from April to October. From November to March, the site is closed to the public to protect certain species that find refuge there and to preserve its integrity.
To visit, contact CAI Lanzo on Thursday evenings (21-23) by phone at 360444949 or by e-mail:
Località Pugnetto, 10070 Mezzenile (TO)

45.2756118, 7.4134063