Opera Diocesana Pellegrinaggi

Tour operator incoming

Since 1924, the Opera Diocesana Pellegrinaggi has specialised in the organisation and promotion of pilgrimages and cultural tourism itineraries. In over a century of activity, the organisation, which is part of the Archdiocese of Turin, has been attentive to the changes that have taken place in society and has been able to adapt to the needs of its customers. Today, its activities cover several areas: pilgrimages, cultural tourism, with group and individual itineraries throughout the world.

Corso Matteotti, 11 10121 Torino

Proposed services and packages

Duomo Torino Vista
Route dei Santi Sociali
Via Francigena
Pellegrinaggio sulla Via Francigena - da Sant’Ambrogio a Chiusa San Michele
Sant'Ambrogio di Torino
Via Francigena(1)
Pellegrinaggio sulla Via Francigena - Sui Passi di San Carlo Borromeo alla Sindone di Torino
Via Francigena(1)
Pellegrinaggio sulla Via Francigena - Da Rosta a Torino
Uffici del Turismo
Tourist Offices

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