
Museo Lavazza

A circular journey, exploring the story of Lavazza and of the coffee production chain while offering surprising content, information and interaction experiences. A voyage though five different themes: Casa Lavazza, the Fabbrica, the Piazza, the Atelier a

Coffee roasting plant

Factory 1895

Factory 1895 è una torrefazione caffè all’avanguardia, ma è anche molto di più: è uno spazio dedicato ad un modo nuovo ed immersivo di creare, raccontare e gustare il caffè. Un angolo "esperienziale" dove, in impianti all’avanguardia, viene prodotto un ca

Settimo Torinese

Casa Martini - Martini & Rossi

Casa MARTINI is just 30 km from Torino, located in Pessione di Chieri. Its walls preserve a tradition that is more than 150 years old: a history made up of people and products, of creativity and concreteness, of culture and passion. Let immerse yourself b


Museo della Frutta

The extraordinary collection of more than 1,000 “artificial plastic fruits” recounts a century of the historical relationship between science, agriculture and the evolution of the interest in research. SAFETY RULES: At the entrance, body temperature will

Museo Carpano Torino.jpeg

Museo Carpano

Inside the Eataly food and wine centre, a museum recounts the ’tasty’ epic of the first Italian vermouth. The itinerary starts in 1786, when Benedetto Carpano patented the King’s favourite drink in the old workshop in Piazza Castello, and ends with the ex

Choco Story Brussels

Choco-Story Torino. Museo del Cioccolato e del Gianduja

The museum is located in the basement of the chocolate workshop of the historic Pfatish pastry shop in Via Sacchi 38, a few steps from Porta Nuova station. The museum’s interactive attractions offer visitors an entertaining exploration of the history and

Museo Menta 2

Museo della Menta e delle Piante Officinali

An ideal journey through the history of medicinal plants, from their origins to modern times. In 1865, mint was planted in Pancalieri by pharmacist Chiaffredo Gamba and distilled with a 100-litre still; by 1926 there were already seventy distilleries…

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