Are you looking for out-of-town trips in the province of Torino?

This summer, the Forts in the mountains, near Torino, are the ideal destination for a slightly different outing or to spend a few days amidst fairytale panoramas and fortifications rich in history, surrounded by Alpine nature.

Visit Fort Bramafam, now a museum, to learn about the history of fortifications and military life, from artillery to objects from the daily life of royal armies.

Enter the Fort of Fenestrelle and experience its territory, including walking itineraries, events and shows with a view of the fortifications.

Discover the Fort of Exilles and its village, guardian of ancient legends such as that of the Iron Mask.
Reopened in August, the Fort is the location for summer events and shows.

A summer at the Forts... to remember! Browse events and inspiration below.

Forte Di Exilles
Forte di Exilles
Forte Pinerolese Fenestrelle
Forte di Fenestrelle
Bramafam   Forte   P.corino   1
Museo Forte Bramafam
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Forte Mutin
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