Museo della Diocesi di Pinerolo

History, worshiping and beauty is a synthesis of the contents of the Museum, created in 1997: three words that enclose the itinerary of men and women through the over 250 years of the founding of the Diocese in 1748.
Three legible words that can be read in the paintings and sculptures, in the fabrics and metals of the liturgical furnishings, in the sacred vases, in the archival papers sent to the Museum to protected and enhanced for a historical reading.
The presence of some "torn" frescoes (14th century), drawings and sketches from the School of Enrico Reffo between the 19th and 20th centuries, some cartoons for the wall paintings in the Pinerolo churches of Michele Baretta between 1946 and 1966 are worthy of note.


Museo Diocesi
Via del Pino, 49/57 - 10064, Pinerolo


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Every Sunday
10:30 am – 0:00 pm
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Durante le mostre temporanee anche nei pomeriggi feriali.
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