Anthares World Parco Avventura

Adventure Park
The first acrobatic park in Piedmont!
Antharesworld’s Park of Adventures, located by a lake inside nature, opened in spring 2003,  and it’s the third acrobatic park that ever opened in Italy.
The park is equipped with 63 tools divided in 9 different trails, with progressive difficulty.
5 year old children and above can access the park (children trail).
Our experienced staff members will welcome every guest to the park; after a short briefing on instructions
and security measures, the instructors will guide you through the trails.
The Park is located by the lake, inside the first provincial Italian park, away from the evolution of tourism.
Antharesworld Mappa Parco Avventura AcrobaticoCandia Anthares Foto


Full Ticket€ 22.00
Tutti i percorsi liberamente
Reduced€ 17.00

Under 18 years

Tutti i percorsi 1 adulto ogni 3 ragazzi
Reduced€ 14.00

Kids under 12

Tutti i percorsi escluso nero e giallo 1 adulto ogni 3 bambini
Reduced€ 10.00

Kids under 8

Percorso viola e azzurro con sorveglianza di 1 adulto
Reduced€ 20.00
Genitori praticanti

It houses

Candia Piscina Estiva
Swimming pool
Anthares World Piscina
Parco Avventura Anthares World
Uffici del Turismo
Tourist Offices

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