Parco Avventura Tre Querce

Adventure Park
With its 6 adventure courses for all ages, its long zip-lines, 50 amusing acrobatic games in total security, P3Q is the ideal place for some fun and adrenaline on the hill very close to Turin ; picnic area with parking, tables and roofing, public baths, children’s playing area. Ideal for groups and schools, original for parties.
Via dei Colli (Strada Panoramica) - 10025, Pino Torinese


Full Ticket€ 10.00
BABY: tempo massimo 2 ore (3-6 anni, h. > 90 cm) 2 percorsi baby + tyro Apache + parete boulder;
Full Ticket€ 18.00
JUNIOR: tempo massimo 3 ore (6 - 7 anni, h > 120 cm) 3 percorsi: Junior 1, Junior 2 e Junior 3 (new!) + percorsi baby e tyro Apache; (8 – 11 anni, h > 130 cm) 5 percorsi: Junior 1, Junior 2, Junior 3 (new!) , Family e Discovery (new!) accompagnati da adulto;
Full Ticket€ 20.00
RAGAZZI:tempo massimo 3 ore (12-13 anni, h > 140 cm) 6 percorsi : Junior 1, Junior 2, Junior 3 (new!) , Family e Discovery (new!) + Adventure accompagnati da adulto; (14-17 anni, h > 140 cm, h max. 200 cm, peso max. 120 Kg) tutti i 7 percorsi
Full Ticket€ 24.00
ADULTI: tempo massimo 3 ore(maggiori di 18 anni, h > 140 cm, h max. 200 cm, peso max. 120 Kg) tutti i 7 percorsi;
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