Riserva Naturale Ponte del Diavolo - Aree Protette Area Metropolitana di Torino

Natural Park
In the Nature Reserve of Ponte del Diavolo, history and nature intertwine to create a combination of emotions and give visitors an unforgettable experience.
The Ponte del Diavolo Nature Reserve, which covers about 30 hectares, aims to:
a) protect the natural, landscape and historical characteristics of the area also through environmental redevelopment;
b) preserve its cultural and architectural aspects, ensuring their recovery and valorization;
c) safeguard the geological elements present with particular reference to the formations called "giants’ potholes";
d) organize the area for recreational, educational and cultural use.
Protection and valorization are entrusted to the management body of the Regional Park La Mandria and the Parks and of the Nature Reserves of the Lanzo Valleys, whose Board of Directors also includes a representative of the Municipality of Lanzo Torinese.
There are numerous nature trails that are freely accessible and also numerous points of historical and cultural interest.
Via Monbaso, 1 - 10074, Lanzo Torinese
Uffici del Turismo
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