
Hedda L'ennesima volta

3 date
Music & Shows

What if the protagonist of a story doesn't want to die and decides to rebel against her author?

Everything starts from the Hedda Gabler story, Henrik Ibsen's tragedy in which the protagonist lives an unrequited love, leading her to do something extreme.

This is the plot written by the author repeated each time the show is in play. But what if the protagonist wants to live a different fate?

The Hedda Gabler from this play is a character closer to our times. In her living room, filled with boxes, she tells her stories to a police commissioner, narrating the real and surreal characters she's met:

an old aunt, a cockroach, a pig councillor, a doctor denying psychoanalysis and some criminal creditors.

This Hedda Gabler knows she's a theatrical character and searches for a possible alternative to her usual existence.

Hedda L Ennesima Volta
Teatro Bellarte
Via Bellardi 116, Torino


Full Ticket€ 11.00
Reduced€ 9.00

Over 65 years old, Abbonamento Musei


31 January 2025
9:00 pm – 10:00 pm
1 February 2025
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
2 February 2025
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Uffici del Turismo
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