Impressionists. Light and colour unveiled

From 15/03/2025 to 27/06/2025
Culture & Tradition

The exhibition will offer an extraordinary selection of works narrating the evolution of modern art through paintings, engravings, sculptures and drawings.

An engaging journey that explores the main artistic movements of the time, from realism to impressionism and post-impressionism, highlighting the innovative role of artists such as Claude Monet, Édouard Manet, Camille Pissarro, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Edgar Degas and Paul Cézanne.

Ex Chiesa di Santo Stefano
Via Sant'Agostino, 24, Mondovì
Ttp Torino Piemonte Card

Torino+​Piemonte Card



Full Ticket€ 12.00

Open ticket without defined date and time

Full Ticket€ 10.00
Reduced€ 8.00

Over 65 years old

Reduced€ 6.00

Up to 18 years old, Abbonamento Musei

Schools€ 4.00
Reduced€ 6.00

Holders Torino+Piemonte Card


People with disabilities, under 6


From 15/03/2025 to 27/06/2025
Uffici del Turismo
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