
Re Artù Il Musical. L'amore oltre l'inganno

2 date
Venaria Reale
Music & Shows

King Arthur. Love beyond deception sings the praises of a squire with a king's heart, his queen and his most trusted knight, united by fate in an eternal struggle between love and honour. That destiny is already written. Love will triumph, at every latitude, that love, the only answer that can give life to a legend.

Teatro Concordia, Corso Puccini, Venaria Reale


Full Ticket€ 24.00
Reduced€ 22.00

Abbonamento Musei, People with disabilities


18 January 2025
9:00 pm – 11:00 pm
19 January 2025
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

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Teatro della Concordia. Stagione Teatrale 2024-2025. Venti D'Incanto
Venaria Reale
From 20/09/2024 to 10/05/2025


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