
Sorelle. Una storia per ricordare la tragedia delle Foibe

10 February 2025
Venaria Reale
Music & Shows

Two women, same age, same stories, different origins... One is about to leave, she must leave, she has no other choice, she is Italian. The other will remain there, where she was born, where her ancestors are buried, in the only land she knows, she is Slavic. They met many years ago, and immediately felt close: a husband, young children... Same desires. A happy life, a happy family, enough food.

Teatro Concordia, Corso Puccini, Venaria Reale


Full Ticket€ 5.00


10 February 2025
9:00 pm – 11:00 pm

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Teatro della Concordia. Stagione Teatrale 2024-2025. Venti D'Incanto
Venaria Reale
From 20/09/2024 to 10/05/2025


Teatro della Concordia
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