Raising awareness among MICE and leisure industry professionals about sustainability and supporting the competitiveness of local companies—especially in light of current regulations and the growing market demand in this direction—was the main goal of the conference “Tourism For Positive Impact training”, held on March 20 at the Cottino Social Impact Campus.
The event was co-designed by the Torino Chamber of Commerce, Cottino Social Impact Campus, and ISTUD Business School, in partnership with Turismo Torino e Provincia, Visit Piemonte, Federalberghi Torino, Assohotel Confesercenti di Torino e Provincia, and the Tourism and Culture Group of the Torino Industrial Union.
On the stage 28 speakers from the national and international tourism industry, including Tobia Salvadori, Director of Convention Bureau Italia, as well as virtual guests Elisabeth Markussen from Wonderful Copenhagen and Davy Jansegers from Lausanne Tourisme, already engaged in sustainability-focused projects.
Among the local organizations that shared their experiences was the Museo Egizio (Egyptian Museum), which presented its accessibility initiative aimed at removing physical and cognitive barriers to promote an inclusive museum experience. Symposium, YEG, and Fondazione Club Silencio spoke about their journey toward ISO 20121 certification—the leading standard for the MICE sector—developed to meet the growing need for sustainable and responsible event management. This certification represents a tangible commitment to creating events that not only encourage active youth participation but also respect the environment, resources, and local communities. Consulta Persone in Difficoltà, which has worked for many years on accessible tourism in Piedmont, presented Turismabile, a unique initiative in Italy. Gabriella Ghigi then introduced Food for Good, a project by Federcongressi&eventi in collaboration with Banco Alimentare and Equoevento, focused on recovering surplus food from events to support those in need.
Watch the video and relive the highlights of the conference.