The entire territory is dotted with magnificent palaces, noble castles and imposing fortresses.

In addition to the Royal Residences, the ancient ruling dynasties left a legacy of inestimable value, such as Pralormo Castle, the place for flower lovers to be during the “Messer Tulipano” event; Masino Castle which now belongs the FAI (Italian National Trust) and is the setting for the famous “Three days for the Garden”; Ivrea Castle, a 14th century defensive structure built by Amedeo VI of Savoy; Rivara Castle which houses the Centre of Contemporary Art; Malgrà Castle at Rivarolo Canavese; Cavour Castle at Santena, home and resting place of Count Camillo Benso; Miradolo Castle at San Secondo di Pinerolo with its exceptional exhibitions, and much more besides …
Over the centuries, this sub-alpine area was also a place where major fortifications were built. For instance, Exilles Fort in Val Susa, built to control the frontier, one of whose most famous prisoners was the mysterious Man in the Iron Mask.
At Bardonecchia there is Fort Bramafam, an example of late 19th century military construction, while Val Chisone has the Fenestrelle Fort, the longest masonry built structure after the Great Wall of China.

Visit the Forts and Castels with Torino+Piemonte Card

Forte Di Exilles

Forte di Exilles

The Fort of Exilles, an example of French and Savoy fortified architecture, offers the public two permanent museum areas, an exhibition on the 2006 Turin Olympics and two itineraries designed by Richi Ferrero. Guided tour with prior booking required, on r

Castello Ivrea

Castello di Ivrea

The Castle was built in 1358 at the behest of Amadeo VI of Savoy, the Conte Verde, as a symbol of the Savoy dominion over Ivrea and Canavese. Four massive circular towers characterise the structure, located next to the cathedral and the bishop’s palace. T

Facciata Palazzo Carignano

Museo Nazionale del Risorgimento Italiano

The upper floor of the Carignano Palace building has hosted the National Museum of the Italian Risorgimento since 1938. Completely recreated in 2011, today it is a modern space, capable of narrating the period of the ‘Risorgimento’, from the great revolut

Bramafam   Forte   P.corino   1

Museo Forte Bramafam

Bramafam Fort was built between 1874 and 1889 with the aim of defending the Frejus tunnel and the Turin-Modane railway line, opened around that time. It is situated on the Bramafam ridge at the south-east edge of Bardonecchia valley. Between 1883 and 188

(masino Copertina  Luigi Luzi

Castello e Parco di Masino

The Masino Castle has stood for a thousand years on a hill in the centre of the Ivrea Morainic Amphitheatre, an area rich in places of natural, historical and cultural interest in the heart of Canavese. For centuries residence of the Counts Valperga, the

Forte Pinerolese Fenestrelle

Forte di Fenestrelle

The fort of Fenestrelle is Europe’s biggest fortified structure and the largest walled construction after the Great Wall of China. A stone colossus that extends for about five kilometres along the hills of the Val Chisone and covers a height difference o

Castello Di Pral8266

Castello di Pralormo

The castle dates back to the Middle Ages and has undergone a transformation into a pleasant dwelling surrounded by English gardens over the course of the centuries. It is still the habitual residence of the Counts of Pralormo and offers two itineraries: t

Marchieru 2019

Castello di Marchierù

This complex of buildings from the 12th century is composed of the original castle, noble’s chapel, caretaker’s lodging, stables and the old Soave’s farmhouse; it was originally belonging to the Savoia Acaja. The complex is fortified with various defense

Villafranca Piemonte
Castello Susa (2)(1)

Castello della Contessa Adelaide - Museo Civico - Susa

The Savoy in Piemonte From high up on the rock of Susa, this castle has witnessed millennia of history. In 1046, Countess Adelaïde received here her husband Otto, Count of Savoy, bringing him the dowry of the marquisate of Susa and the county of Torino. T

Il Parco Del Castello Di Miradolo

Castello e Parco di Miradolo

The Castle, already mentioned in documents dating back to the 12th and 13th centuries, was renovated in neo-gothic style in 1866. It now houses temporary exhibitions, concerts, performances, and educational and training activities. The Castle, already me

San Secondo di Pinerolo

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