A border land, dotted with forts and fortifications designed to divide and defend territories and communities, in political, geographical, cultural and religious terms, now offers the opportunity to unite, share and learn about this extensive local heritage.


The Po River from Villafranca Piemonte is the starting point of the route and Monviso is the ‘lighthouse’ that accompanies us along the way. In between, plains, heroic vineyards, lowland castles, the City of Pinerolo, lakes, waterfalls and forts, Usseaux (one of the ‘Borghi più belli d'Italia’), high mountain forts, the marvellous Assietta Road, up to the Fort of Fenestrelle with its 4000 steps, the largest fortified structure in Europe and the largest masonry construction after the Great Wall of China.


A spectacular journey that winds for part inside the Parco delle Alpi Cozie and follows, for a long stretch, the Sentiero del Glorioso Rimpatrio dei Valdesi.


The Streets of the Forts is a route dedicated to hikers and cyclists, to whom the product club operators offer dedicated services.

See below the accommodation establishments that are part of it.

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