Thanks to the Arte per Strada website, you can discover the many street art works you come across while walking around Torino.

Open Air Museum

Arte in Barriera - Murales Millo

With the project “Habitat”, Millo has transformed thirteen windowless facades of Barriera di Milano into as many works of public art. Thirteen images linked by a single common thread: the relationship between man, perpetually out of scale, and the urban f

Ivrea Street Art
Open Air Museum

Ivrea Street Art

Negli ultimi anni, l’arte gioca un ruolo da protagonista nelle azioni di rigenerazione urbana come pratica di riqualificazione del territorio. L’idea dello street art a Ivrea nasce dalla volontà di alcuni cittadini di contribuire a valorizzare la propria

Mau Foto
Open Air Museum

MAU - Museo D'Arte Urbana

The MAU was set up in 1995 following a refurbishment project of Borgo Campidoglio, a late 19th century working-class district located in a semi-central area of Turin. The works on display are continually being changed, restored and created, thanks to peri

Towards Lavazza3(1)
Open Air Museum

Murales Lavazza. Toward2030: What Are You Doing?

With the aim of disseminating and promoting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Lavazza and the City of Turin have promoted the TOward2030 project. What are you doing? - an urban art initiative that talks about sustainability and that has transforme

Open Air Museum

To Shape - Torino Urban Art District

To Shape - Torino Urban Art District’ è la ‘galleria a cielo aperto’ della Città di Torino che raccoglie l’eredità dei lavori di Murarte, Street Attitudes, Pareti ad Arte, Porte ad Arte, PicTurin, B.Art, TOward, SAM-Street Art Museum, MAU-Museo Arte Urban

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