Azienda Made in Torino Tour The Excellent
Costadoro produces roasted coffee for the public sector and is now one of the most flourishing industries in northern Italy.
With over 200 million cups served per year, it has a global and leading position, being present in over 40 countries (around 55% of the quantity of roasted coffee per year is destined for foreign markets).

Thanks to the attention and care taken in coffee production, the company - whose history began in 1890 in Turin - has earned a leading role on the international market and today the Costadoro brand is a fundamental point of reference in spreading the culture of Italian coffee around the world.

Costadoro’s innovative coffee processing is carried out in full respect of a centuries-old tradition whose main distinguishing features are sourcing, roasting and selection, combined with the use of advanced technologies and constant scientific research.
Lungo Dora Colletta, 113/6, 10100 Torino (TO)

45.0751048, 7.7153979

From 01/01/2024 to 31/12/2024

  • Mon
    Open on reservation
  • Tue
    Open on reservation
  • Wed
    Open on reservation
  • Thu
    Open on reservation
  • Fri
    Open on reservation
  • Visite guidate
    Visite per gruppi su richiesta/Visits for groups on request

    Durata/Duration: 1h30
    Pax/Partecipants: min 5/max 15
    Lingua/Language: ITA - EN
    Età minima/Minimum age: 15 anni/years
    Prezzo/Price: € 18,00 a persona incluso diritto di prenotazione/full ticket per person reservation fee included; € 13,00 ridotto/reduced ticket sotto/under 25
  • Shop
  • Visita totalmente accessibile
  • Degustazione in azienda