Delizie del Dahu is the network set up by a group of producers in the Chisone and Germanasca valleys to promote the fruits of these lands and create a common organisation that can support their growth, distribution and relationship with other local players, starting with those in the sweet tourism sector that are already part of the Terre del Dahu territory strategy.


The Dahu is the alpine animal that best describes the producers of the Delights of the Chisone and Germanasca valleys. A little bit chamois, a little bit ibex, this mythical animal has two shorter legs that make it agile on the steepest slopes but decidedly unsuitable for the plain environment.

The producers of Dahu Delights are like that. Stubborn, they sink their roots into these mountains and look to the future, to bring all the goodness of the Dahu lands to the table. Theirs is a real choice of life, based on profound common values. In fact, they have all chosen to live in the mountains and share a philosophy of respect for the environment, craftsmanship in production and care for quality. With this spirit comes Emiliano's honey, which is not only a sweet nectar but also a means of teaching sustainability to children. Or Natalia's Ramìe, which goes back to planting native vines on ancient terraces. Or Italo's cheeses, whose aromas are reminiscent of alpine herbs. Or Franco's jams and juices, made from ancient apple varieties.


And if, on the one hand, the work of these food artisans keeps the knowledge of yesteryear alive and is based on traditional processing, on the other hand these become the basis for the creative innovation of each producer, in search of new flavours and formats capable of tickling the palates of today's customers.


The Delights of Dahu include wine, honey, sweets, mountain potatoes, meats, cold meats, cheeses and other typical foodstuffs: the Chisone and Germanasca valleys all to be savoured!