
ANCI OFF Village of Italian Municipalities

From 22/11/2024 to 24/11/2024
Culture & Tradition

From Nov. 20-24, the 41st Annual Meeting of the ANCI (National Association of Italian Municipalities) will be held, bringing more than 5,000 mayors and local administrators to the city for a series of meetings, debates and moments of confrontation.


The event will be opened by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, with the aim of promoting dialogue between local institutions and citizens.

At the same time, Torino will be the host of 'ANCI OFF', an initiative open to the public, with the aim of involving the city and visitors in a celebration of the excellence and specificity of Italian municipalities.


The heart of the event will be the ‘Village of the Municipalities’, which will be located in Via Roma and Piazza Castello, with exhibition stands of the regional ANCI coordinations, Metropolitan Cities, and more than 80 municipalities promoting their tourist offer and peculiarities. 

In Piazza Castello, the geodesic dome will host talks, meetings and moments dedicated to the culture, traditions and virtuous practices of the territory.

Via Roma e Piazza Castello - 10100, Torino


From 22/11/2024 to 24/11/2024
10:00 am – 6:00 pm

This event is part of

41° Assemblea Annuale Anci
From 20/11/2024 to 22/11/2024

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