Autumn 2024 opened the Bicentennial celebrations of the Egyptian Museum, symbol of Torino.

After the November Festival, the Museum's novelties do not end. In fact, the renovation phase continues, which will see it more physically and metaphorically open to the city. The project envisages a new use for the Baroque building, with the main objective of giving new life to the courtyard by transforming it into a covered square. The courtyard will be freely accessible and easily connectable with the areas outside the museum, so as to make it a welcoming space allowing for different visitor routes. In fact, it will be possible to visit the new Egyptian Museum in different ways, depending on one's time, interests and desires.

The entire year of 2025 will be marked by new openings and re-installations of iconic rooms that go deep into the Egyptian history and culture that has always fascinated the entire world.

This important year offers us a unique opportunity to reflect on the various stages and circumstances that have made it possible to bring one of the world's most important Egyptian collections outside Egypt to Torino, and to pursue multi-year collaborations and interdisciplinary research projects to build a museum of the future.

Visiting the Egyptian Museum at this time means taking part in the ‘making of’ through the extraordinary works in progress, and making use of the renovated spaces such as the Gallery of the Kings, the Time of Ellesiya, the Gallery of Writing, the space reserved for the Matter and Form of Time and much more.


Museo Egizio   Bicentenario


Section being updated with calendar of events leading up to the bicentennial celebrations.

Cover Museo Egizio 2025
Museo Egizio
Tpc Egizio
Torino+​Piemonte Card
Spazio Zero Sei Egizio Img
Didactic Circle
Spazio Zerosei Egizio (temporarily closed)
Torino 1220403 1280
Caffè al Museo Egizio
Little explorers at the Egyptian Museum
Turin: Discover the Egyptian Museum Group Tour
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