
Con L'Argilla Insieme al Ceramista

From 06/04/2024 to 15/06/2024
Culture & Tradition
Munlab’s workshops for adults enable them to acquire the basics of working with clay, creating unique objects guided by an expert ceramist. Six appointments are scheduled, each one dedicated to the creation of an object:
- 6 April "Chubby Hen
- 20 April "Tentacle Vase
- 4 May "Lantern" - 25 May "Watering troughs for birds and pollinators".
- 8 June ’Garden gnomes’
- 15 June "Evaporation mini fridge".
Reservations are compulsory and must be made by the Thursday before the event.
Munlab Ecomuseo Argilla Laboratori Adulti Ragazzi Primavera 2024
Via Camporelle, 50, Cambiano (TO), Cambiano


Full Ticket€ 32.00
Costo comprensivo di materiali
Reduced€ 29.00
2° e successivi laboratori


Every Saturday
From 06/04/2024 to 15/06/2024
3:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Uffici del Turismo
Tourist Offices

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