
Natura in Città Sotto le Luci D’artista

From 02/11/2024 to 10/01/2025
Culture & Tradition
Urban treks for unusual walks under the lights. Accompanied by an environmental hiking guide, for the second year in a row Metrotrail proposes the combination Nature+Luci d’Artista 2024/25; urban treks that will lead you to discover ecologically relevant environments in Turin, among rivers, parks, gardens and simple flowerbeds; you will walk along unthinkable green urban paths, punctuated by the Luci d’Artista installations.

The silent nocturnal fauna of the rivers will contrast with the lights themselves and the life of the city; monumental trees and secret gardens will mark the redemption of Nature over the metropolis.

Level walks in the city, 6 to 7 kilometres with an environmental hiking guide in Italian and Spanish.

Prices: Full: € 16.00 / Reduced (5-15 years): € 8.00 / Children under 5: Free
Duration: max. 3 hours
Info and reservations: www.metrotrail.it/luci-dartista
Sedi Varie, 10100 - 10100, Torino


Full Ticket€ 16.00
Reduced€ 8.00

Aged 5-15


Kids under 5


From 02/11/2024 to 10/01/2025
2/11 h 17:30 8/11 h 20:30 17/11 h 17:30 1/12 h 17:30 6/12 h 20:30 11/12 h 20:30 27/12 h 20:30 5/01 h 17:30 10/01 h 20:30

This event is part of

Luci D'Artista
From 25/10/2024 to 02/02/2025
Uffici del Turismo
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