
Teatro della Concordia. Matteotti (Anatomia di Un Fascismo)

30 November 2024
Venaria Reale
Music & Shows
Storm: one with hot blood. Always was. ‘Me, I’ve made my speech. Now you, prepare something to say at my funeral.’ 30 May 1924. A hundred years later, it is theatre, it is music, it is the words of Stefano Massini, the voice of Ottavia Piccolo, the sounds of I Solisti dell’Orchestra Multietnica di Arezzo that take it upon themselves to speak.
Ottavia Piccolo
Corso Puccini, Venaria Reale (TO), Venaria Reale


Full Ticket€ 20.00
Reduced€ 18.00


30 November 2024

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Teatro della Concordia. Stagione Teatrale 2024-2025. Venti D'Incanto
Venaria Reale
From 20/09/2024 to 10/05/2025
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