
The Shape of Things

From 07/01/2025 to 19/01/2025
Music & Shows

The Shape of Things by Neil LaBute is one of the plays that make up the “Beauty Trilogy,” written by the American playwright between 2001 and 2008: Marta Cortellazzo Wiel has decided to stage it in order to explore human relationships, their fragility, and the processes of manipulation they can be subjected to.

In this story, a young artist forcefully enters the lives of three friends, disrupting the balance of their well-established bonds and influencing their very identities. The sparkling dialogue among the four protagonists - by Christian di Filippo, Celeste Gugliandolo, Marcello Spinetta, and Beatrice Vecchione - conceals a silent violence and ever-tenser psychological conditions on the brink of disaster. Only at the end do they reveal the ruins left by the struggle.

Teatro Gobetti, Via Rossini 8, Torino


Full Ticket€ 28.00
Reduced€ 25.00

Abbonamento Musei, Over 65 years old

Reduced€ 21.00

Reduced€ 15.00

From 18 to 25 years old

Reduced€ 12.00

Up to 18 years old


From 07/01/2025 to 19/01/2025eccetto 13/01/2025
7:30 pm – 8:45 pm
8:45 pm – 10:00 pm
4:00 pm – 5:15 pm

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Teatro Stabile di Torino - Atto Unico. Stagione 2024/25
From 01/10/2024 to 08/06/2025


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