Cumiana stretches from the lower Pinerolo plain to the mountains of Monte Sperino and Monte Freidour. In the old town centre you can visit the parish church of the Nativity of Mary, built in Baroque style in the mid-18th century and considered the largest oval-shaped church in Piedmont after the Sanctuary of Vicoforte.


On the border with Piscina stands the Castello della Marsaglia, famous for the battle of 1693 between the French led by Catinat and the Piedmontese commanded by Duke Vittorio Amedeo II of Savoy. The Castello della Costa, on the other hand, consists of four wings around a central porticoed courtyard and a monumental three-flight staircase.

Cumiana is part of the Monte Freidour Provincial Park, which offers visitors many walking and cycling routes. Don't miss the Bioparco Zoom Torino, where you can discover the animals and biodiversity of the five continents.


Zoom Torino
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